
2.1 mi to summit

2.9 mi total


3,902 ft start

4,912 ft max


1,095 ft gain


2 hr 5 min to summit

3 hr 18 min total

We started from the Christmas Tree Pass side and more or less went straight up the gully between Little and North peaks. I stayed higher than some of the rest of the group; it was very brushy and there was much bush-whacking to be done. Kind of a choose-your-own-adventure path. The rock was also very crumbly; it "shed" underneath of your feet and hands, and some was rotten. Made for an interesting experience, especially on the way back down. From Little Peak we walked the service road over to North Peak. From North, we went down in a similar choose-your-own-adventure way; I hypotenuse'd the heck out of it and stayed rather high with a gentle descent, cutting back towards the cars. It worked well. Beautiful day, great group, Merry Christmas. :) Nice to get these two peaks, which were originally on the "menu" last Christmas Eve (2017), but we declined to take because of the length of the road-hike last year.

Route name

North Peak 2.9 mi route


routefinding, bushwhacking, rockfall/loose rock

Key gear

GPS device

Other peaks climbed on this trip