
1.8 mi to summit

3.0 mi total


3,745 ft start

4,768 ft max


1,078 ft gain


1 hr 55 min to summit

3 hr 19 min total

Last Christmas Eve, we came out here, climbed Christmas Tree Peak, then we had planned to do the 4 named summits on this massif. Well, the road was blocked off and we ran out of time, so we only did 2 of the 4. This year, we wanted to get the other 2 - Little Peak and North Peak. Instead of hiking up the road again, we decided to try a different route. We parked near Christmas Tree Pass and headed up the gully between Little & North Peaks. If you're thinking about doing this, think again (unless you are a masochist). The gully was full of scrub oak and cacti, making it quite uncomfortable. Eventually, we broke off to the east to get out of it. That wasn't too bad. The summit had great views, but the towers up there kinda ruined it a bit. After a short break, we made our way to North Peak; some took the road & a couple of us traversed the ridge. That peak was more of the same. Oh well. We made our way back down, slowly but surely. I don't think I'll be up there again.

Route name

North Peak 3.0 mi route


routefinding, bushwhacking, rockfall/loose rock

Key gear

GPS device

Other peaks climbed on this trip