
3.6 mi to summit

7.4 mi total


4,923 ft start

5,926 ft max


1,494 ft gain


2 hr 41 min to summit

5 hr 16 min total

Hiked up with Jon & Mike, neither of which had been out here before. We started with Dove Benchmark. Jon freeclimbed the crux of the route, a short, exposed 5th class climb, then threw down a rope for us to handline. We all rappelled down the same spot. After that, back down to the bottom, then across to North Castle Butte. It was hot, so we didn't move too quickly. This helped us to enjoy how cool this area is. After nearing the summit, we all freeclimbed the class 4 crux, then were at the summit in minutes. Jon & I rappelled down the crux for fun. Mike downclimbed it. On the way back, we saw a ton of bunnies (it is easter) & a 3+ foot garter snake.


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