We left that morning around 6h00 from Ayacucho to make the summit of nevado Portuguesa better known by the name of Apacheta. Aparently it means in Quecha "high place". Around 8h00 we took the a sideroad that took us about 5 km from the summit. By nine we were walking up dragging a tandem paraglider between 2 to make an atempt to fly of its summit. From the distance we saw the summit wasn't very fit for takeoff so i decided an alternatif at 4900m with a nice slope and in the right winddirection. At 11h17 we made it to the summit and marked its altitude at 5185 m and a bit to the north so I hope peakery will make these corrections. After the useal pics at the summit we went climbed down untill takeoff. We had a nice but bumpy flight of about 20 min where we were even able to make it higher than the summit.


On the summit we saw a nice tablemountain direction east so plans were made for the next expedition.

Thanks guys for the company.