
9.4 mi to summit

29.6 mi total


3,402 ft start

7,742 ft max


32,380 ft gain


5 hr 20 min to summit

12 hr 41 min total

Completed a loop from Richmond Mine trailhead, over Mount Aix to Point 7041 Hindoo (aka Dog Mountain), then back down to the Mount Aix trailhead. There is some light Class 2/3 scrambling on the ridge from Mount Baldy to the NE peak of Nelson Ridge (and the west ridge of Mount Aix), but otherwise it's just a very pleasant ridgewalk. One can descend from the NE peak of Nelson Ridge to a tarn in a shallow basin to the SW, then side-hill over to meet up with the intermittent upper stretches of the Nelson Ridge trail. This cuts off the jumbled logpile of the lower Nelson Ridge Trail (along the North Fork of Rattlesnake Creek). Alpine flowers and mountain goats were plentiful.

Route name

Nelson Ridge Trail


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Key gear

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Other peaks climbed on this trip