
2.4 mi to summit

10.7 mi total


5,778 ft start

7,549 ft max


2,517 ft gain


1 hr 29 min to summit

6 hr 32 min total

1. First stop on a peakbagging hike around Lookout Mountain with Virgil and Tim.

2. Second stop on peakbagging hike with Virgil and Tim. Nice rocks at the top.

3. Fourth stop on a peakbagging hike with Virgil and Tim. Spirits were high directly following a nice lunch indoors.

4. Explored this peak as seen on Caltopo but not the PB DB. Fifth stop on a peakbagging hike with Virgil and Tim. Post-apocalyptic vibes at the top. Saw a deer carcass on the way back to Windy Saddle Park.

5. 7th tag along the peakbagging hike with Virgil and Tim. Spoke with a nice Jeffco Open Spaces ranger in the visitor center. Very nice space.


bushwhacking, snow on route

Key gear

trekking poles, GPS device

Other peaks climbed on this trip