
1.6 mi to summit

3.4 mi total


2,042 ft start


932 ft gain


1 hr 45 min to summit

3 hr 29 min total

No access to the Crawford station parking lot. There were cars parking on Route 302. I parked at the AMC Highland Center which was quite packed at 8:30 a.m. Chose to wear snowshoes but trail was very well packed. Of the 20 or so people I saw on the trail, maybe 5 or 6 had snowshoes, the rest has light traction with only two bear booters. Centennial Pool was frozen and completely snow covered. At the summit, the views were crystal clear with absolutely no wind, in fact the temperatures has climbed to the positive single digits when I was there.

Route name

Mt. Willard Trail


no info yet

Key gear

snowshoes, trekking poles, GPS device