
0.0 km to summit

2.9 km total


2,455 m start

2,455 m max


3 m gain


2 min to summit

1 hr 33 min total

After going out and attempting the alternate route up the drainage and not making it all the way with Slow and Steady, Greg and I decided to give it a go. The beautiful fluffy snow that was there a couple of days before was replaced with wet snow that compacted easily and the sky threatened to drizzle. We took a GPS with Bob Spirko's track on it, but didn't need it, as many people seemed to have been on that mountain in the past few days. We followed the obvious trail up from the logging road and trudged up the steep shoulder. Along the way there was small hints left by others, yellow, pink, and orange flagging in spots. It was a really pleasurable hike, and we had some gorgeous but dramatic views from the summit with the dark clouds and light drizzle. We even saw a rainbow while at the summit. The trip back to the car was quick. A great outing!

Route name

Mount Roberta Route


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Key gear

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