
12.6 km to summit

24.8 km total


1,957 m start

3,120 m max


1,330 m gain


8 hr 25 min to summit

14 hr 29 min total

Lots of smoke! Couldn't see a whole lot. Couldn't see Mt Gordon... sweet day though, found quite a bit of snow remaining on the approach to the col - made for some tough crevasse mazes, had to do a fair amount of probing. Summit both Olive peaks. Took the front of St Nic on the way down, and went down too far and couldn't get back on the glacier (too thin). Should have stayed high to get back on it, going down the cliff bands was a bit annoying. Water was good.

Route name

St. Nicolas/Olive Col


crevasse danger

Key gear

ice axe, crampons, helmet, rope/harness, mountaineering boots