
6.0 mi to summit

12.0 mi total


1,743 ft start


3,078 ft gain


3 hr 24 min to summit

6 hr 0 min total

Parked on Big Tujunga Canyon Rd at the Trail Canyon Falls Trailhead. 99.99% of the visitors went to the falls, meanwhile, I went left on FR 3N29. I entertained my mind the next uneventful 4.5 miles where I reached Gold Creek Saddle. A semi-overgrown trail goes from there to the NE. The last part of the hike is up Mount McKinley Ridge, which features a few false summits. The summit register can had no register, so now I can't even prove I was actually there! LPC 66/86.

Route name

FR 3N29 via Big Tujunga Canyon Rd


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