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Philippines. Started in Los Banos at the university. It was Good Friday, Holy Week, lots of people! First part is a paved road. Lots of shops. Bought some bananas. Went to mud pool first. At Agila Base the path got small. Climbed through forest. A lady gave some information: watch out for leeches and need to come down at 14 o clock! Oh ooh. Detour between station 16 and 17 because of landslide. On the way up went hardcore, left everyone behind. Wanted to make the summit before deadline. Climbed like crazy, passed lots of people. Did not wait for people coming down. Got to Peak 2 at 13h45 uff! No possibility to make traverse, army guarding path. Open grass field. Drank some water and went back down to cheer up the others. Found Judith and Sam at station 28. They will make it. Went back up with them. Climbed a tree to have a view on Laguna, Talim Island on one side and Taal Lake and Volcano on other side. Nami and G make it to the top aswel! Yes! Go down slow, lots of mud. Got bitten by something when I sat down to rest. Hand stung for a few days.

Route to summit



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