
2.4 mi to summit

6.9 mi total


8,421 ft start

10,290 ft max


2,300 ft gain


1 hr 5 min to summit

3 hr 54 min total

Don't rely on Google to get to this one! The drive up for us was much harder than it needed to be because Google took us on a spooky steep road. The hike itself is quite pleasant with expansive views, it's a really neat area! Love the three lakes in the bowl below the mountains. Independence is definitely worth it for the views of the lakes, since Cache doesn't have that view at all! City of Rocks in the distance was cool, and I suspect we could see Pilot Peak in Nevada in the distance, what an impressive profile! Hiked with Ryan Byers, we discussed many things but one that stood out to me was the flaws of the Beauty and the Beast (original Disney animated edition), particularly the reliance of the plot on the magic mirror which Ryan felt was a huge plot flaw. I have to say he was persuasive, it does seem to be a cheap way to move the story in the direction the writers wanted it to go.

Route name

Mount Independence 6.9 mi route


road/access issues, routefinding, bushwhacking, snow on route

Key gear

trekking poles

Other peaks climbed on this trip