Headed from Hotham to Omeo, Benambra and north to Sassafras Gap. Had Paul VK3HN and Leigh VK3SG as passengers. Worked our way around to Peak 1406 m VK3/VG-053. parked and set up on the high point, making 10 contacts. packed up and returned to Sassafras Gap, then took Wild Boar Range Track to Mount Sassafras VK3/VE-029. Set up at the trig and made 9 contacts. Drove around to Mount Gibbo VK3/VG-004 and set up at the trig, making 14 contacts. Drove out to Mt Hope Road and parked in the saddle to the west of the summit. Climbed up the spur to the summit of Mt Hope VK3/VG-014, where I made 8 contacts. Returned to the car and drove back to Omeo and up to Hotham.

Other peaks climbed on this trip