
12.5 km to summit

32.0 km total


1,719 m start

3,132 m max


1,487 m gain


5 hr 38 min to summit

11 hr 2 min total

Yesterday the weather was perfect for a stroll up Mt Foch. Although the approach from the Upper Kananaskis Lakes parking lot is long, it's always so scenic. Once we branched off the main Aster lake trail, we were continually distracted by the incredible number of fossils in Foch Creek, more than I had seen anywhere.
We took the more direct route up to the ridge, rather than the longer Kane route. This involves slogging about 500m up some tiresome treadmill scree and loose dirt to reach the ridge. This route was dry and we didn't encounter and random rockfall that other parties have reported.
Once on the ridge, the scrambling was more interesting and challenging with a few downclimbs and an exposed ridge traverse to reach the summit.
Fortunately the ascent misery is inversely proportional to the descent joy level and it was a pretty quick descent from the ridge to the valley. We took a detour for a much needed cool off in the pond between Sarrail and Foch.


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