Arriving from the road to the east, via Forcelle, parking where the tarmac stops and concrete begins. Short walk up this, then ascending Fretano from the north. The geology here is quite interesting, reminiscent of Campo Soriano with its large angular limestone boulders. Fretano is something like a pimple as regards the peaks that surround it, but the stones are very eroded, full of fissures and holes. No doubt because no rocks are falling on it from above, breaking this up. So the walk is a little difficult but comparatively nothing really. From here continued to Monte Lesce and then Colle Mozzo. From Lesce one can observe on Fretano some sort of terracing system, not noticeable on the ground level. Not long walls but small bay like structures a couple of metres long. No idea as to the purpose. The north side of this hill is shrouded in beautiful, mature stone/umbrella pines.