
3.6 mi to summit

9.5 mi total


280 ft start

1,738 ft max


2,071 ft gain


1 hr 8 min to summit

3 hr 17 min total

Big trip to finally conquer Montara Mountain. Sunny at the top, with a wide expanse of ocean fog a few hundred feet below. The road hike itself is easy, but the bushwhack to Montara South is not. I would say Montara South is not worth the effect required to summit it legally. If you do, be prepared for navigating a wet jungle. I'm just over six foot and the foliage came up to my chest for a longer than desired stretch of the climb. Montara and Peak, on the other hand, make for a low stress day hike with great views of the shore, the ocean, and the Bay... if you can find a day when the fog isn't rolling in. However, being a little bit above the fog is always cool too, and I imagine this a more common scenario for the top of this hike. Lots of wild rabbits darting in and out of the trail made it fun on the lower slopes.


bushwhacking, property boundaries

Key gear

GPS device

Other peaks climbed on this trip