
15.6 km to summit

22.4 km total


500 m start

1,161 m max


1,141 m gain


4 hr 37 min to summit

6 hr 46 min total

Parked at NH916086 Whitewell, near Aviemore
Start 1230h & finish 2130h = total 42.6km, 1555m ascent, 9h00
Cycle in to Loch Einich - 10.1km, 205m ascent, 1h15
Walk - 22.4km, 1350m ascent, 6h45
Cycle out - 10.1km, 0h40

Summits today;
TOM DUBH - Munro Top (parent Braeriach)
LETH-CHREAG - Deleted Munro Top

Enjoyed the scenic cycle route up through pine woods into the wild glaciated valley dominated by Sgor Gaoith’s impressive cliffs. Dumped the bike before Loch Einich them used the cleverly graded though wet and stony Coire Dhondail path (better on ascent than descent to my mind) to access the Moine Mhor, a vast remote high level moorland plateau centred on Loch nan Cnapan. The area’s popular with wild campers and today I saw tents at four sites (head of Loch Einich, foot of Coire Dhondail waterfalls, at Loch nan Cnapan and on the banks of Allt Luineag). Aside from the Coire Dhondail path and the section between Beinn Bhrotain and Monadh Mor, all my route was pathless. In today’s dry clear conditions quick progress was made striding out across short(ish) grass and ling, the main exception being Bhrotain’s west flank boulder field. NB two stream crossings to be wary of in spate; one in Gleann Einich, plus the Allt Luineag (south of Tom Dubh) with it’s vigorous series of pretty cascades in a narrow vee shaped defile. Great views of Devils point and over the Lairg Ghru to Ben Macdui beyond. Leaving Monadh Mhor a shower passed through and the mist came down so accurate compass work was required traversing 3km of moorland to the cairn marking the top of the Coire Dhondail path, which was a welcome sight Indeed! The quick downhill cycle out made a fun finish to a long summer day.


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