This was an HPS hike led by the Doggetts. We approached Middle Peak from Cuyamaca Peak. The bushwhacking at the top wasn't quite as bad as I had expected; we found a relatively straightforward (not easy, but apparently easier than was previously the case) way up from the top of the most recently burned section (where bright green new growth has begun) on the south face of Middle. It's kind of tricky to figure out exactly where the summit is among all that bushy growth; just get yourself up to what looks like the highest point, climb up on some rocks, see if anywhere else looks higher....if not, than you're there! There is a register hidden in a small metal box among the rocks at the highest point. (It's probably hard to spot in the photo that I've posted here.) As of April 2015, it's not too hard to push through all that growth at the top, but it may eventually get harder to do as the branches grow longer and begin to intertwine more.