
0.4 mi to summit

7.8 mi total


1,496 ft start

1,812 ft max


279 ft gain


13 min to summit

4 hr 19 min total

Hiked Pinhoti Trail from Forest Service Road 207A across Middle Mountain with light bushwhack near the trail to the high point, then back on trail to a longer medium bushwhack to Peak 1808 ft, then back on trail to the black triangle on some maps on the Hurricane Mountain ridge line, then back on the trail over Middle Mountain. I love a good ridge line hike with winter views on both sides, and Middle Mountain did not disappoint. I always thought it would be a cold day in Helen, Georgia when I got these three peaks, and it was. Temperature was in the teens F, but I was dressed for it and was not cold. Ironically, the only wind chill was on Hurricane Mountain, so I hurried back to Middle Mountain.

Route name

Middle Mountain 7.8 mi route



Key gear

trekking poles

Other peaks climbed on this trip