
5.0 mi to summit

12.1 mi total


7,097 ft start

12,280 ft max


5,113 ft gain


7 hr 6 min to summit

11 hr 3 min total

Big day out. Started at 7:30am. At least 8 other groups on the mtn today. Hiked in on dirt a couple miles, then skinned to foot of Ski Dreams and booted up. Traversed over to summit. My friend “made up” the scramble route, it def went into Class 4. I got sketched out on one move with weak hand holds and exposure, deliberated for a while then went for it. Clouds started coming in at end of day and snow firmed up. We were extremely tempted to ski East Couloir but with the late afternoon firm conditions opted for Ski Dreams instead. Also skied Ice Hose, a nice line on the way down. The long hike out left us in a complete daze by the time we made to the car at 6:30pm at Twin Lakes.


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