
10.0 km to summit

20.0 km total


750 m start


1,205 m gain


6 hr 0 min to summit

4 hr 0 min total

Leaving Plettenberg bay before the light of dawn. to witness the splendor of the Prince Albert Pass come to light. We arrived At the gate to the Kammanassie Nature Reserve at 8.30 am and set out on the steep jeep track winding its way up the foothills of Mannetjiesberg to an altitude of 1200m. We decided to do the final accent on the south face taking a direct rout to the summit. This final 750m to the summit took just on 3.5Hrs, most of is on all fours as we negotiated the near shear climb, clambering up the rocks and clinging to clumps of bush for leverage. The view from the summit is breathtaking in all directions. The descent painstaking and trecherous, as we were pushed for time to get off the mountain before the sun went down we had little time to sit and enjoy the solitude of nature. In hindsight.... we both learned that cellphones get lost when you are not hiking/climbing on a marked path. By far the most technically challenging climb to date.

Route to summit



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