
8.3 mi to summit

9.7 mi total


10,307 ft start

12,316 ft max


2,570 ft gain


7 hr 3 min to summit

8 hr 11 min total

Saturday morning, August 12, 2023 I met 2 friends from Calvary Church in Albuquerque, Dave H. and David C. Calvary is the largest church in New Mexico and I have been going since 1988, when I was dramatically saved out of the “new agish other religion” darkness. I experienced it all! Since 1988 I have never heard a poor teaching, verse by verse through the Bible. The book I used to mock, the guidebook for life! We left at 5:30 AM, driving to the Santa Fe Ski Basin parking area. I needed a very obscure peak that is listed in Mike Butterfield’s book “Guide to the Mountains of New Mexico,” Peak 11,571 or also listed as Peak 11,564. I wanted the 2 Daves to have a wonderful experience so I planned other peaks to get them above the timberline.

We started hiking at 7:50 AM heading north up Winsor Trail #254. The starting elevation was 10,260 feet. It was slightly cool with mixed clouds and blue sky. We followed a little stream for a while, then switched backed up the mountain to the edge of the Pecos Wilderness. We did not quite enter the wilderness but followed a trail east through a beautiful aspen and blue spruce forest. We made our first goal, Peak 12,027. There are 85, 12K and 13 K peaks in New Mexico. Timberline in New Mexico is at 12,000 feet and there are only 3 of the peaks that are in the forest, and this was one of them. All the other 82 peaks have incredible expansive views. It took an hour and 50 minutes, 2.9 miles and we had an elevation gain of 1783 feet. We hiked on for a short way and were above the timberline. It is always an exhilarating feeling. We hiked to Deception Peak, elevation 12,320. It took 45 minutes from the last peak, another 9/10ths of a mile, and another 500 feet elevation gain. because people approaching it think they are conquering Lake Peak but it is a false bluff, and they still have a way to go. I asked the 2 Daves if they wanted to hike Lake Peak and told them it would add an hour to our hike. They decided not to, so we headed south to Tesuque Peak, elevation 12,047. It was a wonderful ridge and forest hike, 1 mile and 40 minutes from the last peak. We stopped for a while on the top, admiring the beauty all around, and had a snack lunch. The next part was mostly a forest hike, we hiked a little on a road, did lots of bushwhacking, and at times going over many logs. I mentioned to the Daves’ that if you look deep enough in the forest one can find evidence of an ancient forest fire and sure enough, in log dust we saw the evidence that maybe 200 years ago the top was flattened by fire. Today, I am glad it happened because the forest would be too thick, going this way, to make it to the top. We arrived at the top!! (*Or so I thought, see below) I am always excited to make my goal. It was 2.4 miles from the last peak, and about 2 hours through the forest. Because the peak does not have a name, we were going to name it Daves’ Peak, notice s’. We bushwhacked down, again going over many logs until we arrived at a road, we continued on the road until it made a big switchback, we changed course and bushwhacked the side of the hill staying parallel to the distant ridge. The steepness of the mountain made it a bit uncomfortable to side hike and we had to navigate a few boulder fields. The next peak can barely be called a peak, Little Tesuque Peak, elevation 11,182/11,340 located in the middle of the Santa Fe Ski area. This peak was 2.4 miles, and 2 hours 5 minutes from the last. (Note: This peak is located in 2 different places, on Peakery 11,340. Then a bit further, which I have done, but we did not go, Top 11,182. I view 11.340 as the peak.) We paused for a while. There are nice views from this location. We headed down blue ski area runs. The steepness made it a bit uncomfortable hiking down. Near the bottom we followed a little stream back to our car. The total hiking time was about 8 hours, we hiked 10.9 miles, the elevation gain was 3256 feet. I had 2 great hiking companions! They were in great shape and really seemed to enjoy the outing.

*I got home and was putting together my trip report when, “Oh No! Oh No! Oh No!” When I dropped Peak 11,571 on my Garmin Montana GPS, I accidentally dropped the peak top on the wrong side of the mountain. We still had a half mile to go. I have never done that before! I do not count a peak top unless I am exactly on the top. Ouch! I did not make my goal! I had to rectify it as ASAP, so 5 days later, I went a shorter way, hiking 7 miles, 2087 elevation gain, a bit of hard bushwhacking, 3 hours 5 minutes of hiking time and I officially got the peak! See my trip report for Peak 11,571 (Peak 11,564). The return hike was such a cool picture-perfect day, I was kind of glad it happened.
(18 miles distance and over a mile in elevation gain to get my obscure peak.)

My return trip, 5 days later.

See pictures of highest peaks in New Mexico: 1 to 62 of highest 184 NM peaks (Now 190) Part 1 YouTube
See pictures of highest peaks in New Mexico: 63 to 124 of highest 184 NM peaks (Now 190) Part 2 YouTube

List of highest 184 peaks in New Mexico (Now 190) A very inclusive list!


bushwhacking, blowdowns, rockfall/loose rock

Key gear

GPS device

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