
6.0 km to summit

19.0 km total


85 m start


550 m gain


2 hr 0 min to summit

6 hr 15 min total

Day 1 of a stay in Bassenthwaite,cloudy with a little blue sky. Started from the village, 2 miles of muddy tracks across fields to PeterHouse farm, then up to Whitewater dash waterfall. At the top leave the main track and head up steep heather hillside to boggy summit plateau, then onto summit where the weather deteriorated. Views of the bigger surrounding hills partly obscured by clouds. From the summit descend NE, then SE across the boggy morass at the head of Dead Beck, then steeply up to the summit of Great Calva, 690m. Intermittent views of Skiddaw and Blencathra from the summit. Descended the south ridge to the main path and returned via waterfalls