
1.9 mi to summit

6.5 mi total


5,959 ft start

8,139 ft max


2,996 ft gain


1 hr 51 min to summit

6 hr 21 min total

Due to Mt. Charleston (Spring Mountain National Recreational Area) being closed because of the extensive damage done by Hurricane Hilary, we had to come up with a hike that would be in cooler temps. So, La Madre Wilderness it was. We hiked in 70 degree temps for most of the hike, peaking out in the low to mid 80's by the end of the hike. Not bad! The road to the trailhead has been severely washed out 1 mile from the trailhead. I drove the route 2 days before the hike and discovered this. Well, after about an hour with a shovel, I was able to fill in the wash enough and cut the banks of the wash enough to pass through it. Definitely HIGH clearance needed.....and 4WD....and short wheel base....and steep approach angle designed vehicle....otherwise you are going to be pushing gravel and rocks with the front of your vehicle. Or, just hike the last 1 miles (2 miles return). The last 3/4 of a mile on the descent could be done better. We should have been on the ridge line to east of us. It didn't cost us any additional distance the was we went, just a little elevation gain to get back to the trailhead. It was a great route that worked for us. Have fun and enjoy the spectacular views if you take on this route.


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