
4.5 mi to summit

10.2 mi total


474 ft start

3,715 ft max


3,994 ft gain


3 hr 28 min to summit

9 hr 47 min total

Another hike in the "One and Done" list. Start with a climb to Mt Kaala, then crossover to Kamaohanui, and from there lot of bushwhacking over the skinny ridge until we got to Pu'u Pane. From there was pretty easy until we got to the ditch, where we had to drop in and climb back up to reach "snake road". Tried to minimize as we could trespassing....

Route name

Kamaohanui 10.2 mi route


road/access issues, routefinding, bushwhacking, blowdowns, rockfall/loose rock

Key gear

no info yet

Other peaks climbed on this trip