
1.1 mi to summit

6.6 mi total


1,800 ft start

1,943 ft max


295 ft gain


1 hr 12 min to summit

3 hr 53 min total

DO NOT FOLLOW our path to the waterfalls, but my path to the peak of Jake Mountain was not a bad bushwhack following an old road and open forest. Gina and I hiked Jake Mountain Trail 223H (popular equestrian trail, so watch your steps!) around the side of Jake Mountain looking for the easiest way to the top. I did a short bushwhack to the southwestern ridge that looked promising but continued on the trail in hopes for better and saw the old road up the northeastern ridge just above the trail. Gina waited by the trail while I went up and found the peak of Jake partially cleared of timber. Later a hiker said he saw many log trucks last month. On the way down from peak I saw a large bird flying away. At first I thought it was a hawk, but when it lighted high in a bare tree, I saw the distinct profile of a Great Horned Owl. They normally hunt at night and sleep in the day, so I probably awakened him. Gina and I continued on the trail until we saw the blue tape indicating the bushwhack to the falls. We followed the blue tape along an old road but missed the turnoff and went down an increasingly steep side until we turned back up (having seen glimpses of the falls) and found the blue tape we had missed. By then we were too tired to go back down, so we went back up to the trail, ate lunch, then returned to the parking lot.

Route name

Jake Mountain 6.6 mi route


bushwhacking, blowdowns

Key gear

trekking poles