
5.5 mi total


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910 ft gain


2 hr 21 min total

While the temperature was in the low 90's, I felt lucky to be there on such a cool day. Anything less than 100 degrees in Thousand Palms is generally a mild day. However, I didn't press my luck in taking it easy before the mid-day heat revealed itself. I hit the Willis Palms trailhead and followed the trail through a sandy wash before elevating to more secure footing. After leaving the wash, a well laid out trail follows the edge of high cliff walls above a dry canyon. Near the end of the canyon, "Herman's Trail" branches off to the right and indirectly climbs the slopes toward Herman's Peak. The summit is marked with a pile of rocks. The trail continues down the opposite side of the mountain toward Moon Country and the various palm oases near the visitor center. I turned back and returned the way I came.

Route name

Willis Palms Trailhead


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Key gear

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