
6.1 mi to summit

11.4 mi total


1,927 ft start

2,776 ft max


2,211 ft gain


3 hr 10 min to summit

6 hr 0 min total

Mike, Dylan & I went on an adventure to climb Harlan Peak, named after a local hiker. We first headed up to Peak 2741 via the West Ridge, then dropped down to the SE Saddle. From there, we made our way to the GPS coordinates I was given for Harlan Peak. When we got there, we realized that the point to the NE was higher, so we made our way there. Harlan Peak boasts some very interesting geology on the south side of the peak. We also saw a bighorn sheep on our way up. 12 miles r/t with about 3700 feet of gain.

Route name

SW Ridge


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Key gear

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