
4.7 mi total


3,127 ft start

5,687 ft max


2,341 ft gain


4 hr 17 min total

Pictures to be uploaded when I get back from North Idaho.

There is a road on the North side of this mountain that leads all the way to the old fire lookout at top basically to the summit. Obviously that be cheating. My father and I decided to take the ridge from the southeast near the old (and no longer existing in any such way) pack trail. Due to misleading use of private property markers we thought the county road leading up to it (now called Culvert Lane) was no longer there. well it is. We passed the county roads which were maintained on our hike up. So we ended up fjording Mission Creek to get to the ridge.

Taking this route especially in the Spring is truly strenuous. Vegetation is dense and lush. On our descent we found trees toppled and derooted chaotically and violently which made our descent very very difficult. It runs out the area had experienced a microburst event and we had stumbled into the wreckage!

Overall an excellent cross country adventure. When we got to the top we found no registry or cairn. My father and I have established a new large cairn at the true summit.

Route name

Southeast Ridge


no info yet

Key gear

no info yet