
5.5 mi to summit

14.2 mi total


1,533 ft start


1,829 ft gain


2 hr 3 min to summit

6 hr 29 min total

I began the hike at the Marvin Braude Mulholland Gateway Park in Tarzana. The goal was to revisit Temescal Peak and pick up two other peaks in upper Topanga State Park. To reach all three peaks, I stuck to Temescal Fire Road up until the point I had to leave the road to reach the nearby summits. After making a quick stop on Temescal Peak, I continued on to Green Peak. Along the way, I also visited a small peak near the road known as Temescal Lookout. Temescal Lookout has the remains of a building foundation on top, but nothing more. Green Peak has a tall radio tower on top, which served as my turnaround point to where I backtracked beyond Temescal Peak to a road junction, known as Hub Junction. Before reaching the junction, I went up another trailside high point known as Cathedral Rocks.

At the three way road junction (Hub Junction), I took the middle fork, which went in a more direct route toward Eagle Rock. When reaching Eagle Rock, I found where most of the hikers I saw all day were congregating. Many just stood or sat along the high points of the rocky summit. I worked my way up there to make the visit official, but then bailed out shortly after, since the other hikers seemed to be engaged in a sit down and not move operation. After completing the peaks I set out to complete, I wasn't too excited about taking the long dirt road back to where I started. To add a little variety, I picked up the Garapito Canyon Trail. However, this option turned out to be a little too much "variety", as the narrow and winding canyon trail was marked as 2.5 miles, was actually over 3 miles, but seemed like 13. If I had an option to declare "Uncle", I probably would have. Once back on Temescal Fire Road and Mulholland Drive, I returned to where I was parked, while completing 3-5 peaks on a long hiking day.

Route to summit



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Other peaks climbed on this trip