
5.4 mi total


no info yet


884 ft gain


2 hr 24 min total

From Whitewater Preserve, I headed north and connected with the PCT. After a little over 2 miles, I arrived at Red Dome. This is just a big red rock in the riverbed. After a quick visit, I ascended what looked like an actual red colored domed hill to the left of the trail. I scurried up the side and eventually found a use trail going to the top. From there, I continued up the western slope to reach Forks Benchmark. Good views from the top. From there, I could see the ridge continues on to Nob Benchmark probably another 1.5 miles away and another 1,500 feet higher. However, instead of making an attempt at it, I declared victory and I cashed in my chips. Maybe some other time.

Route to summit



no info yet

Key gear

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Other peaks climbed on this trip