
1.8 mi to summit

3.7 mi total


2,266 ft start


986 ft gain


51 min to summit

1 hr 44 min total

To reach my starting point in Lake Matthews, I left Lake Matthews Drive and went south on a dirt road known as Gavilan Springs Rd. I drove the road for 1.5 miles, where I parked just after the last house along the road. After that, the road becomes 4wd, so I set off on foot. I followed the road into the hills, where I quickly summited a peak (I called it Peak 2568 after doing a quick altimeter reading). It was clear that this peak was not the star attraction, as I looked to the west where Estelle Mountain stood. The road continued in that direction. There were a few side roads that intersected, but I maintained my westward progression toward the peak. Meanwhile, I enjoyed the solitude. While aiming for the high point, I stuck to the roads and found myself rising to a benchmark stamped with the word "Estelle". Clearly I had made it! The summit is wide, so views were a bit limited without continuing to walk to the far ends. Another great day in the Inland Empire!

Route name

Gavilan Springs Rd


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Key gear

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