
7.4 mi to summit

11.6 mi total


9,784 ft start

14,236 ft max


5,358 ft gain


9 hr 14 min to summit

12 hr 2 min total

What a day!!! Started at 425am on the trail. It was steep and we didn't sleep well the night before, so we moved pretty slowly up to Shavano. The hike was beautiful, though! It was already later than we had planned, but weather still looked good, so we made our way to Tabeguache and back as well. I was feeling extra energetic, so I hauled ass down Shavano and up to Espirit Point while Amber slowly descended Shavano. We then hiked out together and got some awesome pizza in Salida!

Route name

North slope from Mt Shavano saddle


stream crossing, rockfall/loose rock

Key gear

GPS device

Other peaks climbed on this trip