
0.6 mi to summit

1.2 mi total


8,040 ft start


620 ft gain


25 min to summit

50 min total

Short fun hike up a butte. Forest Road 13, a good, all-weather road, passes along the north and east sides of the mountain. You will note "No Trespassing" signs too but there's legal access from the southeast. So continue driving east on FR-13 heading away from the mountain, the road will bend south, a half-mile or so later turn onto FR-4018 (El Caso Spring Rd). There is a brown fiberglass road marker but its not easy to see unless you're looking for it. FR-4018N heads toward the mountain, crossing a meadow, then drops down to a saddle on the southeast side of El Caso Peak. The road is rough and rutted in spots so best to have a high-clearance vehicle. I parked just before the road drops down to the saddle and walked down, losing about 50' before climbing up the mountain. Some light scrambling required. Nice views of the lake and surrounding area.

Route to summit




Key gear

trekking poles