
17.2 km to summit

36.0 km total


269 m start

1,419 m max


1,422 m gain


4 hr 34 min to summit

11 hr 46 min total

What an epic adventure. We started the day off with a bit of nervous energy, hearing that the route is pretty tough. Duiwelskloof is one of the most beautiful locations I have visited. We got lost a few times, but after a it of searching found the next cairn. Absolutely stunning hike up. From the neck, it was pretty much a free for all trying to find the best route. No markers and no clear path. We summited Drakenstein Peak and starting to find our own route to Afrikaskop. This took a lot longer than expected and we ran out of water. Luckily found a stream in te nick of time. Decided not to summit Afrikaskop, which was a bummer, but a reason for a next outing.


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Hi! Sounds like an awesome hike. Do you think its possible to just do it up to Drakenstein peak and back in a day? 😊


I think it is possible. The section from the neck to the peak is extremely overgrown and we made our own route, Lots of people hike up the kloof and then do a overnight stay before descending. There might be a few hairy spots on the way down, for example the waterfall scramble. I had some friends who did this last weekend, so will find out how they experienced it.


Great thanks!