
3.0 mi to summit

6.0 mi total


5,300 ft start


1,394 ft gain


1 hr 0 min to summit

2 hr 0 min total

My three-summit Sunday began here. I knew I wanted to get at least Danskin peak, so I made it the first, and it ended up being the furthest by far and highest by far. It's a hulk of a mountain with an excellent view of the snowcapped Trinity Mountains at this time of year. The wind made it difficult to take good pictures of the surrounding mountains.
My climb was simple: I parked a little beyond the saddle and hiked the road. Tedious, but strenuous elevation gain nonetheless. The road to where I parked is getting a bit treacherous.

Route name

Danskin Lookout road


road/access issues

Key gear

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