This a long route variant trip back home from Wodonga. Drove down the Hume Highway to Benalla, south to Mansfield and then towards Jamieson. Took the Eildon Road and tehn lake 1 track up to Bald Hill. Parked just off the summit and walked to the high point. Set up the radio gear nearby to activate VK3/VE-137, making 16 contacts. Packed up and returned to the Eildon Road, then headed towards Mount Terrible on Mount Terrible Track. Stopped near the top of Peak 1021 m and parked. Climbed to the peak and set up the radio gear to activate VK3/VE-134, making 4 contacts. packed up and returned to the car and drove to Mount Terrible. After parking, I walked to the high point and set up the radio gear to activate VK3/VE067, making 4 contacts. Packed a up and drove south along the track. Stopped at the summit of Peak 1261 to inspect the area at the summit obviously used by campers. Continued south, stopping at Corn Hill for a short break. COntinued on to Mount Matlock. Set up beside the trig to activate VK3/VC-001, making 11 contacts. Packed up and drove to Matlock and then to Aberfeldy and around to the Cemetery, the high point of Mount Lookout. Set up the radio gear one last time to activate VK3/VT-030, making 12 contacts. Packed up and returned to the main road and continued south, crossed the Thompson Dam wall and on to Rawson and then south to Moe and on to home. A long day.

Other peaks climbed on this trip