Parked by the fountain and water trough to the south west. Skirting around the bottom of the hill to the west to reach the path up the ravine that was taken for Monte Re. Fairly clear going. Near the sella between this and the other hills there is a house, I skirted around this and came to a gate that led to some fields, a small path led out of these to the highest point before turning to head, over a barbed wire fence and through dense thicket to the top of this hill. Made way back down, bearing slightly more east and regained a different flatter area. Here I decided to try to find one of the paths marked on the old maps that descended the ravine to the right. After a couple of failed attempts, and going more north than I'd imagined, I found a gate and this led to a path which I took following the sound of water. The path led to a spring. (Note there are lots of mini-paths here). From here I found a trail that headed down, as anticipated, first to the east of the stream, then crossing it and descending on the west side (even with a couple of red paint splodges on rocks). I thought it was plain sailing from here. The path descends predictably, at one point one comes to an area where a basin has been created. However, towards the bottom the path disappears into a myriad of trails. I found one that ran alongside an area where I saw about 10 wild boar or semi-wild pigs. The thicket got thicker and the way got less clear. Lots of brambles and obstacles, made this tiring and unpleasant. This was a pity as the first part of the descent, walking alongside water, was refreshing and a rare experience in these hills.