
7.6 mi to summit

18.9 mi total


2,054 ft start

4,833 ft max


5,013 ft gain


19 hr 45 min to summit

15 hr 50 min total

This was a fantastic weekend

My wife Brigitte and I wanted to do the Dix Range.
We were lucky to find parking on a sunday afternoon at the Elk Lake Lodge.
Our first afternoon hike took us to our camp site at Lilian Brooke.
The following monday morning we started at 7h00am.
Our itineray was to start the ascension of Macomb via the slides.
The ascent was difficult but the view was amazing. Upon arriving at the top we saw a few hikers.
2 of them (Jimmy and Don) did the next 2 summits with us: South-Dix and Grace.
We really enjoyed their company and we had a similar pace which was great.
After Grace we parted ways. They head back down as Brigitte and I continued to Hough peak.
We had read it was going to be though and it was true. We arrive at its summit around 3h30pm.
Looking at what we still had to hike to get to Dix was impressive.
Around 5h30pm we arrived at the summit of Dix...
We started our descent around 6h00pm after saying goodbye to this magnificient view.
We choose to go down via Hunter's pass even though it was going to take us longer. We knew that this path was easier then by the Beckhorn.
We finally arrived at our camp site (Lilian Brooke) around 9h00pm.
It was our first time finishing a hike in the darness with our headlamps.
We skipped diner and went straight to sleep!

Route name

Carson Peak 18.9 mi route



Key gear

trekking poles