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Carson Peak was the capstone of an epic week of backcountry skiing in the Sierra, and this mountain had it all. It started with a 1900' vert climb up Devil's Slide, a classic 35-degree walled chute. Here Adrian departed and Phil and I continued up a steep skin around a shelf to the North Bowl, a mini-Tuckermans-like cirque. The snow changed to powder wind-slab and the skinning grew difficult as the pitch steepened. Finally, after a slow 1600' vert we topped out on the ridge for a short level walk to the summit with views of June Mountain, San Joaquin Mountain, Ritter, and the Minarets. Skiing down we were treated to some late April pow in the central chute in North Bowl. Then back in Devil's Slide a deafening corn bomb had gone off and the harvest billowed all the way to the base. A truely alpine looking mountain, a definite ski classic!


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