5.7.24. Bridge Mtn #28 from Lovell Cyn~ Nearly 13 miles, 4,000’ gain in 5:20hr. Up top in 2:53hrs. From base of crack to summit in :20 min. I stepped aside to let some motorcyclists by on Rocky Gap road and landed next to a snake. I was so close to it my foot hopped within its body curls. I don’t think it was a rattler thank goodness since I had to hop around a few times near it to get my body to flee. I didn’t take a photo since I was freaked out. I was attacked by hornets the whole fucking time! I don’t remember experiencing so many in one outing!?! I eventually stopped running and freaking out about them because it was wearing me out. They seemed to hang out around my head less when I did that. Lots of small bugs too, trying to get in my ears so I kept my ears covered. Other than all that drama, it was spectacular as usual. With an 11am start. temps were warm with nary a breeze. I consumed (3) 16oz bottles of water, an applesauce packet and a banana.




Sunscreen attracts native bees and wasps for several reasons.