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Last day of a stormy few days in the Lake District, as the wind was 50 - 60mph and the cloud was down on the higher peaks and ridges, we opted for a circular walk on some of the smaller peaks, under the cloud level. We set off from Tilberthwaite, an old mining area, and went up an old mine track next to the deep ravine of Yewdale beck. There were plenty of old mines and quarries to examine en-route. We reached a flat area amongst the peaks, which is mis-named dry stone bottom, where because of heavy rains the river was in flood and the land was waterlogged. We had to make a large detour upstream to find a safe crossing place. From here we went up to the col between Blake Rigg and Haystacks, visiting both summits, then dropped down to another col, before a short steep ascent to Hawk Rigg. We then dropped back to the original path, and walked NW, up past some abandoned mine workings to the twin summit of Birk Fell Man.


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