Another day with Rod. We drove to Cooma and then out through Numerella and to Badja Road. We turned on to Badja Fire Trail and drove to the small car park near the high point of the track. We climbed to the summit cairn of Big Badja Hill VK2/SM-059 to set up the station. Despite the very strong gusty wind, I made 26 contacts. We packed up and descended to the car. We then headed back to Badja Road and headed north and then turned west onto Captains Flat Road. I then drove south on Cowangerong Firetrail to reach the summit of Mount Cowangerong VK2/ST-001. We climbed up to the summit area to set up on the edge of the clearing, with me making 6 contacts. We packed up and headed towards Captains Flat, looking for a possible access route to another summit. Without any success, we decided to head back to Nimmitabel.

Other peaks climbed on this trip