
3.3 mi to summit

6.8 mi total


3,924 ft start


689 ft gain


1 hr 9 min to summit

2 hr 23 min total

Parked at the intersection of Baldy Mesa Rd & Mesquite Street. This is the point where Baldy Mesa Rd turns to dirt. My main motivation for parking there was to not get my car all dusty from the dirt road (and to not give my 7 year old daughter the ammunition she needs to write “Taylor Swift” in the dust on the side of my car when I get home). Instead, I traded mileage for a dust free car. For the first two miles, the dirt road was flat, hard packed, and a very smooth looking ride. I was convinced that I could have drove a golf cart on that road with no issues, meanwhile, I was walking on it. At about 2 miles, there is a construction site. After that, Baldy Mesa Road becomes a rugged forest road (3N24). Dirt bikers love this part of the road, and they often kept me company as I hiked. The first significant bump in sight is Baldy Mesa. The forest road goes along the edge of the cliffs that overlook Cajon Pass and Interstate 15. A vehicle fence prevents off road vehicles from driving to the summit. I stepped over it and walked the few easy feet to the high point. Other Peakery summits along the cliffs that I haven’t visited yet are also in view from the top and are connected by the same forest road. I expect to come back for them on some other day, and hopefully park closer.

Route name

Baldy Mesa Road


no info yet

Key gear

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