
0.5 mi to summit

1.0 mi total


8,059 ft start


187 ft gain


20 min to summit

35 min total

“Baker’s got a big ol’ butte! Say Whaaat? This was a nice little hike up in the pine forests and cooler weather to a great view. My girlfriend and I got to the parking/camping area mid-morning, and had a little snack. It was a bit on the chilly side at first, but it warmed up quickly as we hiked up the spur forest service road that leads to the fire lookout tower at the top. Once at the top, we saw a horse corral (complete with horse) a small house and the tower itself. I could think of worse setups, if you were a forest ranger. After getting permission, I climbed up the fire tower. The ranger on station was pretty busy – there was one active fire that had been ongoing for several days to the east and she was just calling in a second fire when I got there. From the top you could see both plumes of smoke and listen to her on the radio. Because of this, I stayed long enough to grad a couple pictures from the top and then got out of her hair. After taking a few other photos around the area, the girlfriend and I headed back down to the car for some lunch.“

Route name

Unnamed Forest Service road


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