
3.6 mi to summit

8.0 mi total


2,422 ft start


1,341 ft gain


1 hr 17 min to summit

3 hr 4 min total

Keeping it local this weekend, while still avoiding the crowds, I considered Azusa Peak. I had been there 4 times before by taking the Garcia Trail. Unfortunately, the Garcia Trail has been closed for over a decade. In doing research, I learned that I could get there via Glendora Ridge Road. I put the research to the test by driving up Glendora Mountain Road. Glendora Ridge is blocked by a vehicle gate, where I began the hike. The clear dirt road (not at all overgrown), rides the ridge and passes other roadside peaks before descending to Azusa Peak. It was odd to me to descend to Azusa Peak, since the other 4 times was a scramble up the hillside. After my usual summit photographs, I headed back up the road. This time I concentrated on visiting Peak 2596, Peak 2675, and Peak 2583. Each was more conveniently visited when going West to East instead of the other way around. I had a great morning hike, which concluded at exactly noon time when I returned to the parking area.


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Other peaks climbed on this trip