
2.7 mi to summit

6.7 mi total


4,530 ft start


3,000 ft gain


2 hr 0 min to summit

4 hr 30 min total

Hike was a loop that started from a ranch road in Martin's Draw. Parked about a 100 yards east of water tanks/water trough just off the road. First hiked NE to Peak 5090 then followed the ridge line west and southwest to 1117 Mountain. The top of 1117 Mountain is marked with a large (over 7 feet) rock cairn. I forgot to look for the Washburn BM but didn't notice it and it may be covered by the cairn. Headed over to Eagle Nest which is about 1/5 mile south. Both 1117 Mountain and Eagle Nest offer fantastic views. From Eagle Nest went back to the saddle then west to Peak 5762. Continued west then south to Peak 5525. Took the north ridge down to the ranch road to my SUV.
To get to the trailhead: Use McCarthy Road from either NM-80 or NM338 then go south on Washburn Road. McCarthy's Road is graded gravel and is signed. Washburn Road, also signed, starts out as a graded but once you pass the Washburn ranch it narrows and becomes rough as its no longer maintained by the county. About a mile beyond the ranch turn onto the unmarked road to Martins draw. You will eventually see the water tanks. While maps show you can reach Washburn road from the south, off NM-9, the route is convoluted. Use pipeline road as your access point if you want to enter from NM-9.


rockfall/loose rock

Key gear

trekking poles, GPS device