6,241 ft / 1,902 m
5 climbs • 8.5 mi • 2,686 ft gain • 3 hr 48 min
1 climb • 11.5 mi • 3,436 ft gain • 9 hr 44 min
1 climb • 21.6 mi • 5,321 ft gain • 9 hr 13 min
Latest climbs

"I had been wanting to visit this with my friend for a long time. He finally took me and two others on this fine day. Unfortunately, I twisted my ankle very very bad at the beginning of the hike (which never ever happens!) Some of us wanted us to turn around, or have me wait for the others to summit to meet with me later...no, no, no, I wasn't going to be left behind again. I toughed it out and fought through it and made it to the true summit with an easy scramble in the afternoon. This should be a pretty easy hike, but it turned into one of the most difficult hikes I've ever done due to the pain I had to suffer from the entire time. Views were minimal, saw Shuksan a few times, Baker came out of the clouds for 30 seconds. Would love to visit again in the future on a clear day. Looks like I will be out for a while...sprained my ankle pretty good. Sad day. :(" — aimk13 • Sep 29, 2012