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"Spent 4 hours driving around trying to get to the route I wanted to hike, but all the access roads seem to have been closed around September 15. In general, don't use Google Maps to get to this one, I had to pull out an atlas. The total time to get to the trailhead was 5 hours as it was my first time in the area. Alas, I really didn't want to do the 12-mile Jennie Lake trail. Incredibly I got the first half (6 miles) in an hour and a half, and it was still 2pm at this point. At this point I had little energy after my near jog on the trail, but I still scrambled up the headwall to find that the peak required a descent before another, taller ascent. Noped out and did a walk along the headwall ridge, which is quite scenic in it's own right. A couple other parties on the trail, one camping at the lake with some dogs that didn't seem to like me. Very nice temperature and weather for hiking, and the clouds made for a nice mise-en-scene. This is rugged, isolated area and hard effort yields great views of the Sawtooth mountains." — robkleffner • Sep 23, 2018