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"As far as I can determine, The Knob is the 6th highest named highpoint in Indiana. Unfortunately, most of the property surrounding this highpoint is posted. The only access route that looked the least problematic was a service road to a communication tower located on the SE side of The Knob, but the sign on a gate to this road read, "No Trespassing" in small letters. My son, Marshall, and I did not feel comfortable parking in front of this gate, but we did talk to an Amish man nearby, who allowed us to park our car on his property while we hiked to the summit. I should say raced to the summit, because we did not want to stay in this area any longer than we had to. After reaching the communication tower we heard a lot of gun shots and encountered unoccupied deer stands. We did not want to run into an angry hunter on his way to his deer stand upset that we had disturbed all the deer during our ascent to the summit of The Knob. We had to get closer and closer to the gun shots as we made our way to the summit, so we tried to be very cautious. Eventually, we located what we believed was the highest point, but it was within an overgrown area so it was difficult to tell for sure. We grabb..." — Stewy • Nov 9, 2014

"This was a difficult and nerve racking climb. The communication tower road is gated and posted. We found a nice Amish man that didn't owe the summit property but allowed us to park on his property. We jumped the gate and jogged up the utility road. There is a house to the left in plain site as you head up the utility road. Once you reach the tower you are in the cover of the timber but we heard gun fire in all directions and ATV's everywhere. I also counted 4 or 5 deer stands I could see just from our path. The tower is not on the summit and you must bushwhack deeper in the timber, crossing a couple ATV trails to reach the summit. Deer hunting season really is a bad and unjoyable time to attempt this one." — marshallstewart • Nov 9, 2014